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Pochi la biashara

Unlock the Power of Pochi la Biashara for Your Business in 2024

In this article, I will show you another payment service called Pochi la Biashara, which is very useful to business owners like Boda-boda riders, taxi operators, and other small businesses that can help you collect cash from your customers. Ensure you read until the end of the article because I will give tips and tricks to make it work efficiently.

Quick Intro To Pochi La Biashara

What is Pochi la Biashara

Pochi la Biashara is a Lipa na Mpesa business product that Safaricom developed to help its customers receive cash for the products and services they provide via USSD. Many customers prefer Pochi la Biashara because unlike the Safaricom Till number and lipa na Mpesa, which are Pochi la Biashara alternatives, it does not require any documents and complex procedures to set up.

Features You Enjoy While Using Pochi la Biashara

Here are some of the features you will enjoy after you have set up Pochi la Biashara for your business;

No Mpesa Reversals without Your Consent

If you are a business owner, I know you know of or have experienced a situation where a customer pays for a product and services via mobile money, and then reverses the transaction after leaving your business premises. This can lead to loss because this is your hard-earned cash.

With Mkopa, you don’t have to worry about this because no money will be deducted and reversed from your account without your consent. Safaricom will call you first to inform you about the reversal request, and ask whether or not you want the cash to be reversed.

Pochi la biashara

Fast Message Notifications On Payments Made

After a customer pays you via Pochi la Biashara, you will get an instant notification, with the name of the customer, phone number and the amount they sent to your account. This will help you verify the transaction to avoid any deceit.

Also, you will be able to use the notifications to gauge the amount in your account in case you were not around and you left someone else to manage your business for a while.

Easy Withdrawal 

Pochi la Biashara gives you access to your money anytime you need it. You can withdraw money from your account at any time from anywhere. It offers withdrawal to your MPesa number directly, or through an agent. The good thing I like about it is that the withdrawal of money from your account is absolutely free.

You Can Make Payments For Services From Your Pochi la Biashara Account

You can also pay for services and utility bills using your Pochi la Biashara account. This can help you keep your bills balanced and also buy more stock for your business.

You can Sell Airtime and make a commission.

Everyone uses airtime these days for data, calling and SMS. Therefore, take advantage of this by using the money collected from your account to sell airtime. This is an added bonus because you will earn a 5% commission from the airtime you sell from your account.

Getting Started – Using This Mpesa Pochi la Biashara Service

Creating a Pochi la Biashara account

Now that we have looked at the advantages of getting this payment account service, let me now give you easy steps you can use to set one up for your business today. To set it up, you only need to have an active Safaricom line registered for Mpesa, and a mobile phone(Not necessarily a smartphone);

How To Setup Pochi la Biashara Using USSD

To set up your Pochi la Biashara account;

  1. Dial *334# from your mobile phone.
  2. Select option 8.
  3. Select opt-in to allow Safaricom to set up the service for you.
  4. Done.

How To Check Pochi la Biashara Account Balance

To check the amount of cash in your Pochi la Biashara account;

  1. Dial *334# from your mobile phone.
  2. Select option 8, which is option 8
  3. Select my account option, which is option 7 at the time am writing this article
  4. Select check balance and enter your Pochi la Biashara PIN.
  5. Wait for the message with your Pochi account balance to be sent to you.
  6. This is free and you won’t be charged.

How To Get a Pochi Account Statement.

Pochi is also great in that it can give you statements for your account transactions anytime you need it. To get an account statement for your recent transaction;

  1. Dial *334# from your phone.
  2. Select Pochi, which is option 8
  3. Select my account option, which is option 7 at this time.
  4. Select Account statement and enter your Pochi PIN.
  5. Wait for the message from Safaricom with your account statement.

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For Customers – How To Pay Using Pochi la Biashara

How To Pay Pochi la Biashara Account Using Your Sim Tool Kit(STK).

To pay for goods and services using Mpesa STK;

  1. Open your Mpesa menu on your mobile device.
  2. Go to Lipa na Mpesa menu.
  3. Select Pochi la Biashara, which is the third option.
  4. Enter the Mobile number of the merchant or service provider.
  5. Enter the amount of money you want to pay in Kenya Shillings.
  6. Enter your Secret Mpesa PIN.
  7. Confirm the details to complete the transaction.
  8. You will receive a Mpesa notification confirming the transaction was successful.

You can also use fuliza to pay using this payment method

How to pay Up Using Mpesa Super App.

If you want to use the Mpesa Supper app to pay for Pochi, make sure it is installed on your phone. You can either search for it on your Smartphone app store, or for Android users, click here to be redirected there. After installing the application;

  1. Locate it on your smartphone and open it.
  2. Enter your Mpesa PIN to log in to your account.
  3. Click on the Transact section, which is located on the bottom menu of the Mpesa Super app.
  4. On the “Pay” section, click on Pochi la Biashara.
  5. Enter the merchant number and click continue to move to the next step.
  6. Enter the merchant number, which is their Pochi la Biashara phone number.
  7. Enter your PIN and confirm the details to complete the process.



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