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Safairicom Niokolee Kredo Service

Safaricom’s Niokolee Service – Request Someone Airtime From Someone On Safaricom 2024

Safaricom today introduced a new service called Niokolee, where a Safaricom user can request another Safaricom user to send them Money. This is somehow similar to Please Call Me, but in this case, you are requesting the person to send you airtime instead of asking them to call you.


To use Safaricom Niokolee service, just dial *444# and select Niokolee.

This new Safaricom product has been bundled up with similar products such as the Reverse call, Please call me Sambaza. You can now just request credit from anyone you want, and this is particularly important when you are in an emergency.

Safairicom Niokolee Kredo Service

How To Send a Niokolee Request from your Safaricom Line

To send a Niokolee request from your Safaricom line. Follow these simple steps;

  1. Open your phone’s dialer application.
  2. Dial *444# and send the request.
  3. Select the option “Niokolee–(New)” by replying with number 5
  4. Select option 1 which is Request Kredo.
  5. Select the amount of Safaricom Airtime you want to request. For example 50 bob. You can request up to 100 bob
  6. Enter the number of the person you want to request to send you Airtime. Use their Safaricom number.
  7. Select yes to confirm.
  8. You will receive a prompt confirming that it was successful.
  9. The other user will receive a message with your request.

After sending this request, the other person will have to accept or decline the request.

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How To Accept The Safaricom Niokolee Kredo Request.

Once you have received a Niokolee Kredo request, it is up to you to accept or reject the request. To reject the Niokolee request;

  1. Open the message that you have just received with the Niokolee Kredo request.
  2. If you accept the request, reply with 1 to show that you have accepted.
  3. If you have rejected the request, reply with 2 to decline the request.

After accepting the Niokolee Kredo request, your account will be deducted and you will receive a prompt notifying you of this, accept the prompt to accept, by clicking on send. After accepting the prompt, the other person will be sent the Airtime they requested.

If you reject the request, they will be notified that you have not accepted the Niokolee Kredo request.

Safaricom Niokolee Kredo requests Alternatives.

If you feel this new product is way too much and you are in need of Airtime you can always use other methods to call someone or request them to call you. These alternatives include;

Reverse Call

If the person you want to call has airtime, just send them a reverse call request by putting harsh(#) in front of their number and dialling it. For example, if their number is 0712xxxxxx, just dial #0712xxxxxx. They will receive a call from you, but they are the ones who will be charged. You can check out my article on how to call someone without using your credit for more information on this.

The downside of this is that if the person does not have credit, the call will not go through. Another downside is that if the person does not recognize your number for any reason, they might just ignore it altogether.


Please Call Me request.

This is similar to Niokolee, but in this case, you are requesting the person to call you instead of sending you credit. The downside of this is that if the person does not see the message, you may have to wait a while with no help, especially in emergency situations.

Try out the New Niokolee service from Safaricom and let me know in the comment section if you feel it will be of any help to you in the near future. If you have any queries or suggestions, write me an email([email protected]) letting me know


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