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how to increase fuliza limits

9 Effective Strategies On How To Increase Fuliza Limits 2024

In this article, I will be showing you very effective strategies on how to increase Fuliza limits in 2024. Fuliza is a very popular financial created by Safaricom a few years back, where users get to borrow loans on a short-term repayment period. These loans can be used for emergencies or as the user wants to use them.

How Fuliza Limits Work

When a user opts into Fuliza, there Is a set Fuliza limit that is supposed to increase as time goes by. For some people, especially those whose Mpesa accounts do a lot of transactions per day, this limit may even be as high as Ksh. 3,500, while for some people, it may start from kes. 500.

To say the truth, there is nothing you could do with 500 shillings today, and am sure that if your Fuliza limit is Ksh. 500, you will want to find ways to increase your Fuliza limit in 2023. Therefore, in this article, Ihow to increase fuliza limits

will show you proven methods that will give you a high likelihood of increasing your Fuliza limit.

How To Increase Fuliza Limits

First Thing First – How To Check Fuliza Limit

Before we even figure out how to increase our Fuliza. If you don’t know how to check your Fuliza limit, follow these simple steps;

  1. Open your phone dialer.
  2. Dial *234# from your Safaricom line
  3. Enter option “0” which is for Fuliza.
  4. Choose Check Limit, which is option 1.
  5. Wait for the message from Safaricom which will show you your Fuliza limit.

How To Increase Fuliza Limit

To increase Fuliza limit, you need to make sure you follow the following tips;

Do More Mpesa Transactions To Increase Your Fuliza Limit

Let me give you a little secrete. Mpesa determines how much your Fuliza limit is by monitoring the number of transactions you have per day. It is because of these criteria, among others that you find those having lots of Mpesa transactions get very high limits.

Therefore, to increase the fuliza limit, you also have to increase the number of transactions you have in a day. You don’t have to have a lot of money to do this. Here are some ways you can increase the number of transactions you have in a single day, therefore increasing your Fuliza transaction;

  1. Buy airtime using Mpesa
  2. Pay bills and utilities using mpesa paybill services. For example, instead of queuing for a long time at KPLC to pay for your prepaid electricity bill, just use Lipa na Mpesa to do this.
  3. Save some cash on your Mpesa instead of having it cash.
  4. Send money to your friends and relatives more frequently using mpesa.

Have a Good Credit score

A good credit score matters and will dictate the amount of Fuliza limit you will get. So ensure you pay any outstanding loans from other platforms such as Equity Bank or Tala. If you fail to pay these loans on time, you will end up on CRB and your trust score will be low.

If you are already on CRB, just ensure you pay any outstanding loans, and your credit score will gradually improve and your Fuliza Limit will increase with time.

how to increase fuliza limit - get a good credit score

Increase Mpesa Transaction Volume

Mpesa will only give you a limit that corresponds to your needs. If they see that your transactions involve a small amount, let’s say, Ksh. 200 per day, why would consider increasing the Fuliza limit from 500 to 2000? Doesn’t make sense right?

Therefore, if you are wondering how to increase Fuliza limit from 500 to 5000(Who wouldn’t want to), you have to increase your Mpesa transaction volume. Increase the amount of money that goes through your Mpesa daily and you will surely improve your Fuliza limit.

Make Use of Other Mpesa Products – How To Increase Fuliza Limits

Make use of other Mpesa products and services. Some other Mpesa services you can use include KCB M-Pesa and Mshwari. If you have some extra cash in your Mpesa account, send it to KCB M-Pesa for a week or two. You can also create a locked account and save some money in your Mshwari account.

Doing this will improve your credit score, and you might get some loans from these applications and avoid taking Fuliza all along because its interest is charged daily. This will surely increase your Fuliza limit as time goes by.

Repay Your Fuliza Loans On Time

If I give you a loan, and you repay it on time, I am more likely to loan you again. This same concept works with Fuliza. If you repay your Fuliza loans on time, your Fuliza limit will increase as time goes by. This is one of the most effective ways to increase Fuliza limits faster.

Don’t Over Use Your Fuliza Limit

Safaricom came up with Fuliza as an emergency fund option when needed. So don’t use it when you don’t need it. Using Fuliza all the time makes you look like a high-risk individual. I do understand that the Kenyan economy is not at its best right now, and you will hardly find anyone who doesn’t use Fuliza daily.

I think Safaricom should reconsider using this criterion to increase Fuliza limits as the times are harder for individuals today.

how to increase fuliza limit-pay back fuliza on time.

Wait For It To Increase Naturally

This requires patients to work and will go along with the other methods I have mentioned, such as increasing the number of mpesa transactions in a day and having a good credit score. Follow these other tips on how to increase Fuliza limits and you will see an improved Fuliza limit.

Contact Safaricom’s Customer

This is not well proven, but some people have mentioned that they called a Safaricom Mpesa agent and asked if their Mpesa limit could be improved, and they were lucky enough. Also, calling a Safaricom customer care agent is an advantage because they could also tell you some of the reasons why your Fuliza limit is still the same and how you can increase the limit with time.

Safaricom customer care number is 100.

Find Alternative Sources Of Funds

If you have tried all the methods I have provided above on how to increase Fuliza limits, you could always try Fuliza alternatives out there. My personal best, and recommended one is the Hustler fund, which was launched by H.E President William Ruto in 2022.

I recommend it because of its lower interest rates. For example, if you borrow 500 Kes, you repay 501 Kes at the end of 14 days. As you will see in the next section, this Hustler fund interest rate is very low, as compared to Fuliza mpesa interest charges.

Fuliza Charges

When you receive a Fuliza loan, you are charged for the interest daily, although there is an offer around by Safaricom where you are not charged interest for the first three days – Remember offers don’t last forever. If you transact any amount below 100 shillings, Fuliza doesn’t take any interest from you when you repay it. Other Fuliza charges are as follows;

Fuliza Amount Given Daily Fuliza Charges Incurred Previous Charges
0 -100 Ksh Zero Kes 0/=
101 – 500 Ksh Ksh. 2.50 daily(Fee for the first 3 days) Kes 5/=
501 – 1000 Ksh Ksh. 5 daily(Also free for 1st 3 days) Kes 10/=
1001 – 1500 Ksh ksh. 18 Kes 20/=
1501 – 2500 Ksh Ksh. 20 Kes 25/=
2501 – 70,000 Ksh Ksh. 25 Kes 30/=
Ksh – Kenyan Shillings Kes – Kenyan Shilling

Other Hacks On How To Increase Fuliza Limit No One Will Tell You About

Mshwari Hack

This Fuliza hack involves using your Mshwari account by depositing an amount and leaving it there for some time, like a week or two. I recommend leaving or piling up the amount you would want your Fuliza limit to grow to. For example, if you want your fuliza limit to increase from 500 to 5000, ensure that you have deposited to a minimum of Ksh. 5,000 on your Mshwari account.

You can also save money in your Mshwari locked account for some months, which will pile up to a bigger amount. The next step is to withdraw that amount back to your Mpesa account before returning it after some days.

Fuliza Opt-Out Hack

In this method, you will opt out of Fuliza for some time and then opt back in. Please note that the chances of success in this method are lower as compared to the Mshwari hack above, and I will not be held responsible if it does not work.

In some situations, some have managed to increase their Fuliza but remember there is a chance your limit might go back to Zero when you try it out.

How To Opt-Out of Fuliza

To opt out of Fuliza service;

  1. Dial *234#.
  2. Enter option “0” for the Fuliza.
  3. Select 98 for other options.
  4. Select the “Opt-out” option to opt out of Fuliza.
  5. Select 1 to confirm that you want to proceed.

After opting out, you will opt back in by choosing the opt-in option when using the steps above. Then check your Fuliza limit again as I showed you in previous sections.

Good Luck

If you use the methods I have provided in the above section, your chances of increasing your Fuliza limit. if you liked my article, help me share it with your friend so that I can build my online community. Also, subscribe to my blog for future updates.

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