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Viusasa Paybill Number Subscription Prices (Updated 2024)


To pay for your Viusasa subscription, you will need to use the Viusasa Paybill, which is 724177. This payment can be made through Mpesa or any other mobile money platform of your choice. After completing payment, the subscription will be automatically updated.

Viusasa has risen to be one of the most entertaining platforms in Kenya, with millions of Kenyans joining the platform everyday. It not only entertains Kenyans but also provided a platforms for upcoming content creators to join and make a living, therefor providing many jobs.

How Viusasa Works

Viusasa is basically an app, which is installed on your smartphone. After installing and login into your account, you get access to videos and shows that you can watch. But you will need to subscribe to a plan so that you can get access to the shows.

How To Pay For Viusasa Subscription

To pay for your subscription via Mpesa, make sure that you are already registered to Viusasa via their website. You can check the section after this on how you can register. To pay for the Viusasa package;

  1. To go your phone Sim Tool Kit, or Mpesa Menu.
  2. Choose the Lipa na Mpesa option.
  3. Enter Viusasa Paybill number, 724177.
  4. Enter the account number, which in this case is the phone number used to register.
  5. Enter the amount you want to pay, which will depend on the Viusasa subscription package you want.
  6. Enter your Mpesa PIN to complete the transaction.

You will then receive a transaction message from Mpesa confirming that you have paid a certain amount to Viusasa. You can also pay for your subscription from their main website.

how to pay viusasa subscription via their offical website

How To Register For Viusasa

To register for Viusasa;

  1. Go Viusasa official website by clicking here.
  2. Click on signup.
  3. Fill the form with your details; Phone number, password and password confirmation.
  4. Click on Agree to accept their terms and conditions.
  5. Enter the OTP code you will receive from entertainment company on your smartphone. Click verify.
  6. Done!
how to register for viusasa

Pay Subscription From Their Main Website

After you have logged into your account from their main website, click on the Pay option on your dashboard. Then select the payment option you would like to use. Select the package you want and the duration, then select pay now. You will receive a prompt on your phone notifying you that you want to pay the amount. Enter your Mpesa pin to complete the transaction

Viusasa Subscription Packages You Can Choose From(Updated 2024)

There are three types of subscriptions you can choose from for your entertainment depending on the period you need it for; daily, weekly and monthly. The total will also depend on if you want to only listen to music, watch videos or both. Below is a summary of Viusasa subscription packages in Kenya;

Viusasa Subscription PackageMusicVideos
These rates are bound to change(Current for 2024)

Now that you have successfully subscribed to the package, you can now enjoy your favorite Music and show on the application. It is also satisfying and I would recommend people to use this app because it supports our local talent and content creator, therefore creating more jobs. So if you can, use the application regularly and give more jobs to your fellow country men.

In case you experience any problems, leave a message and I will try my best to assist you, or direct you to where you can get assistance. Don’t forget to subscribe for more helpful content in the future.

How do I pay my Viusasa bill via M-PESA?

You can pay for Viusasa using the Paybill number 724177 via your Mpesa Menu

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