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How to make NHIF contributions in Kenya via NHIF Paybill number 2024

At Henittoz Tech, we understand the importance of efficiently managing your healthcare contributions. As a leading provider of comprehensive healthcare solutions, we recognize the convenience and ease of making NHIF payments through MPESA Paybill Number 222222.

In this guide, we present step-by-step instructions to facilitate seamless transactions, ensuring your contributions are processed promptly and accurately. You can use the table of contents I have made below so that you can jump over to the section you want to read about, although I recommend that you read the whole article for an added advantage.

The National Health Insurance Fund is a government agency that was formed by the Government of Kenya to provide access to affordable health care by providing medical coverage. This is made possible by the amount paid by the individuals on a monthly basis. The National Health Insurance Fund was part of the government’s strategy to make Universal Health coverage available to its citizens, by giving them access to health services they need, when they need it, and where they need it. NHIF Paybill number

In the formal sector, this monthly contribution is mandatory and is deducted from the employee’s payslip. The employee can also send this payment by depositing via a banker’s check or using other methods of depositing their contributions. One other way you can contribute is by using the NHIF Paybill number to send your contribution. In this article, I will show how you can achieve this process so that you meet the NHIF contribution deadline and avoid being penalized.

Registering for The National Health Insurance Fund

For you to be able to make NHIF contributions via the NHIF Paybill number, you have to be registered as a member. There are many ways through which you could register for an NHIF membership and I will talk you through each one of them in detail.

How to register for NHIF and obtain an NHIF number

Application for membership can be done through any of the following ways;

  1. Through the online NHIF platform
  2. By visiting the National Health Insurance Fund branch near you.

How To Register for NHIF by Visiting a Branch Near You

If you are free, you could just visit the nearest National Health Insurance Fund branch near you. The only thing you will need is to carry your National ID card, Passport or driving license. You will also need to have Ksh. 500 for registration.

How To Register For NHIF Online

Registering for membership can now be done from the comfort of your house. All you need is your smartphone or computer, a stable internet connection and the know-how. To join NHIF online;

  1. Visit the website by clicking here(Opens in a new tab).
  2. Once you are on their webpage, click on the “Register” button which is on the top right of the page.
  3. On the next page, select the appropriate selection that suits you. In other words, choose “employees” for those working for an organisation, or self-employed for those who are self-employed.
  4. Fill in the required details as per the instructions on the next page. Remember to upload the required documents, including your profile picture.
  5. Check the box confirming that the information you gave was to the best of your knowledge. Click confirm to complete the process and move to the next step.
  6. You will be taken to the next page which will display your details and notify you that you have successfully registered. You can click print to print out your NHIF account details.

Now that you have successfully registered for NHIF, you can now use the NHIF Paybill number, 200222 to make your monthly contributions. NHIF Paybill number successful registration

Importance of registering for NHIF and making contributions.

As a doctor, I really recommend people successfully make their NHIF payments every month. I have seen plenty of people who have been sick in hospitals, and NHIF has really helped them to some extent. I do agree that it is not perfect, and there is room for improvement, but I have seen its power, especially in the Surgical ward where we get orthopaedic patients every day.

NHIF has many benefits but I will only be able to mention a few of them so that we save time and I don’t make this article too long and boring. Remember, you can always jump to the section using the Table of contents at the beginning of this article;

  1. Firstly, having this cover is not only beneficial to you but your dependents too. When registering, you can always include your spouse and children in your health coverage and therefore in case you need medical attention, all of you are covered. If all Kenyans do this, we will be on the road to achieving Universal Health Coverage goals in Kenya.
  2. Secondly, failure to make your monthly contributions will disadvantage you in that you won’t get access to medical cover from NHIF when you need it. You will be penalized for late, or no payments of your monthly contributions. This will mean that you will pay extra fees to remove the penalty, and your National Health Insurance Fund card won’t be active for at least another month or so.
  3. Thirdly, we need to help the Government and our country grow, which means being a member is a social responsibility of every individual in Kenya, as it allows Kenya to attain its goal of Universal Health Coverage.  This has been made easier by the introduction of the NHIF pay bill number so that you can make your contributions from anywhere in Kenya.

Let me know in the comments section any other reasons why you think one should make their contributions without failure.

How to Make Contributions via NHIF Paybill Number

Finally, let us now talk about how you can make your payment using the NHIF Paybill Number. All you need is a phone, an active Safaricom line that is registered with MPesa and money enough for your contribution to your Mpesa line. Please note that M-Pesa charges do apply for this transaction. For payment of your monthly contribution, we will be using 200222, which is NHIF’s Paybill Number. You can either use our Safaricom Sim Tool Kit, or the My Safaricom smartphone application to make these payments. You can download the My Safaricom application from Google playstore or from Apple Playstore.

Making NHIF Payments via MPESA Menu

To pay using the Paybill number;

  1. Open your Safaricom STK, and select “M-Pesa”.
  2. Select the “Lipa na Mpesa” option which is the fifth option in your M-Pesa Menu.
  3. Select the first option: Paybill.
  4. When requested for the Business number, enter NHIF’s Paybill number 200222.
  5. Provide Account Number: Depending on the nature of your contribution, enter the appropriate account number:
    • For Normal Contributions: NHIFM-ID Number (e.g., NHIFM-3456789004)
    • For Penalty Contributions: NHIFP-ID Number (e.g., NHIFP-098765439876)
  6. Enter the amount you want to contribute.
  7. Enter your Mpesa PIN when requested to do so to complete the transaction.
  8. You will receive a notification from both NHIF and Mpesa confirming that the transaction was successful.

Instructions on NHIF Payment Through Selfcare

In addition to the MPESA Paybill option, NHIF offers the convenience of making payments through the Selfcare portal on the NHIF website. Follow these detailed steps for a seamless payment experience:

  1. Access NHIF Website: Visit the NHIF website at and navigate to the Selfcare section.
  2. Sign in to NHIF Selfcare: Log in to NHIF Selfcare using your E-Citizen Account or NHIF Account credentials.
  3. Select Pay Contributions: Once logged in, locate and select the “Pay Contributions” option.
  4. Choose Payment Recipient: You have the option to pay for yourself or on behalf of others. Regardless of the selection, ensure accurate details and payment amounts are provided.
  5. Fill in Payment Details: Input the necessary details, including the amount to be paid.
  6. Authorize Payment: Upon completing the payment details, a prompt message will be sent to your mobile device for MPESA PIN verification.
  7. Confirmation of Transaction: After entering your MPESA PIN, you will receive a confirmation message indicating the successful completion of the transaction.
  8. Sign Out: Once the transaction is complete, securely sign out from the NHIF Selfcare platform to protect your account information.

Other Methods of Making Your Contributions

NHIF Paybill number is not the only payment available for making your monthly contributions, you can always use other methods like via equity or Jambo pay to make your monthly contribution. I only focused on the NHIF Paybill method because it is the most popular one around. You can always check if the contributions you have been making to NHIF are successful via SMS or via email. This is important even to those whose employer sends contributions, as they can know if their money is successfully paid to the agency.

How to Check NHIF Contributions via SMS

To check your NHIF contributions through SMS, follow these simple steps;

  1. Open your phone’s Message app.
  2. Create a new message, with 21101, as the number you are sending the SMS to.
  3. In the Message section, enter the letters “ID”, followed by a space and then add your ID number. For example “ID 12345678”.
  4. Send the message. You will receive a message with a history of your contributions in the past few months.

How To Check NHIF Contribution Via Email

You can also send a message requesting them to send you a copy of your transaction details. If you do not know how, just open your email create a new email, and enter the recipient email as [email protected]. Use “Request for my Contribution History” as your subject, then write an email requesting them to send you your contribution history. I hope this article has been of help to you. If so, please share it with your friends and relatives and help me spread the word. If you enquired about any problem with the steps I provided, leave a comment and I will do my best to assist you in any way I can. Also, remember to subscribe to my blog and stand a chance of winning my branded merchandise, such as hoodies and t-shirts. Also, follow me on Facebook for more updates daily.


With these comprehensive instructions, Henittoz Tech aims to simplify the process of making NHIF registration and payments via MPESA Paybill Number 222222 and through the Selfcare portal. We ensure a seamless experience tailored to your needs. Stay connected with Henittoz Tech for more insightful guides and resources to optimize your healthcare management journey.

As an expert in SEO and copywriting, our goal is to provide valuable, informative content that surpasses competitors, ensuring our audience receives the highest quality guidance. If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us.


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