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The Ultimate Guide to Madaraka Express Online Booking 2023 Hassle-Free Travel from Nairobi to Mombasa

The Ultimate Guide to Madaraka Express Online Booking 2024: Hassle-Free Travel from Nairobi to Mombasa

In this article, I will show you how you can book an SGR trip using the Madaraka Express Online Booking platform. In case of any queries, feel free to leave me a comment in the comment section at the bottom of the page.

Madaraka Express Train Services

Brief overview.

If you are planning to travel from Mombasa to Nairobi, then the Madaraka expressway is the best option for you, as you can enjoy and comfortable and quick ride at an affordable price. These days children have not experienced trains and so this can be a good experience for them, making the journey more enjoyable and unforgettable.

The Nairobi Express Train offers great service to its customers like online booking, and in this article, I have made the ultimate guide for the Madaraka Express Online Booking in 2023. I will let you in on everything you need to know and I will try to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to leave a comment with any queries in the comment section of this page.

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Importance of Madaraka Express Online Booking

Online booking means you book your Madaraka Express Train Ticket online, without the need to visit their offices. This can be done from anywhere and is very fast and effective. Some of the advantages of Madaraka Express Online booking service include;

  1. You can book a ticket in advance. You can always book your Madaraka express ticket at any time you want. This is advantageous, especially in the holiday seasons, where for example, if your trip is scheduled for 25th December, you could book it earlier(let us say December first). At this time the Madaraka Express charges are usually low.
  2. You don’t need to visit the Madaraka Express offices to book your ticket. This saves time for those who have busy schedules and cannot afford to go there physically.
  3. You can pay for your ticket online, which is safer than carrying cash around. We all know how unsafe it is these days, especially in Nairobi, and carrying cash puts you at risk.
  4. You will be sent a ticket that you can present on the day of your journey. This is more convenient than carrying a ticket around, which can get lost or torn at any time.

Step-by-Step Guide on Madaraka Express Online Booking

To book your Madaraka Expressway ticket online, you will need the following;

  1. A stable internet connection.
  2. A smartphone, or a laptop.
  3. and this article of course.

Then do the following simple steps;

  • Visit the Madaraka Express Official webpage.

This is the first step to booking your Madaraka Express Train ticket online. To access their website, type on this link to go there directly). Don’t worry, this link will open in a new tab. If you are not a computer guru, don’t worry, this website is user-friendly and anyone can easily navigate it.

visit the madaraka express online booking website

  • Select your Preferred train type, departure, Destination and date.

Madaraka Express Train Types

When you access the Madaraka Express Online Booking website, you will see dropdown menus which need your choices. The first dropdown menu will be the “Train type” option. Here choose your preferred choice between the inter-county Madaraka Train type, Express, and Suswa train.

Departure Point

The second dropdown will require your departure terminus option. The various terminus you can choose from are;

  • Nairobi terminus
  • Mombasa terminus
  • Voi
  • Mtito Andei terminus
  • Mariakani train terminus
  • Miaseny terminus
  • Kibwezi Madaraka Train terminus
  • Emali train terminus
  • Athi River terminus.

The choice you make here depends on where you want to board the Madaraka Train from. For example, if you are in Voi, choose Voi as your departure station.

Destination Point

The third dropbox on the Madaraka Express Online booking page is the destination page. Here select where you want to alight from. If you are travelling from Nairobi to Mombasa, then Mombasa Terminus will be your Destination for this online booking.

Date Time of Travel

Lastly, select the date and time you want to travel using the Madaraka Express Train. Here you can either type in the date, month and year in the format “dd/mm/yyyy”, where “dd” stands for the date, “mm” stands for the month, and “yyyy” stands for the year. A good example is 01/03/2023.

Please note that you can only be able to book the Madarak Express Train Online one month or less in advance.

After completing the process above, click on the “Book a Train” option.

choose either to travel on first class or economic class

You will then be directed onto the next screen where you will be required to enter the number of adults boarding, and other information such as if you will be using the economy class or first class. After entering these details, click on the “book a train” option again to proceed.

  • Enter Passager details

Here enter the required details such as the name of those travelling, their ID numbers(if they are 18+), Gender, and Nationality. Please note that anyone who is above 18 years of age, will have to present their original national ID at the respective Madaraka Express Train station on the date of travelling.

enter personal details of the person using SGR to travel

  • Enter Payment Details

Madaraka Express Online Booking accepts Mpesa as the Payment method, which is very convenient for almost every Kenyan. Therefore, enter your Mpesa Number and click Proceed to payment.

  • Verify Information Before Submission

The next screen on the SGR booking online platform is where you verify if all the information given is correct, and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on the checkbox after the terms and conditions.

  • “Pay Now” Or “Pay Later”

If you have cash with you, you can click on Pay now and you will receive a prompt asking you to provide your Mpesa PIN to pay for the SGR ticket. Remember, Mpesa Transaction charges do apply for this. If you want to pay later, just click on pay later.

  • Save Travel Information

You will receive a message from Mpesa for the transaction, and another from Madarak Express Train service with your ticket details. Do not delete this message as you will use it on the day you are travelling. Done, you can now wait for your travel date and have a safe journey.

agree to madaraka express online booking terms and conditions




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