Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Comprehensive List of M-KOPA Service Centers and Contacts in Kenya


M-KOPA is a leading provider of solar energy solutions in Kenya, offering affordable and reliable power to households and businesses across the country. To ensure accessibility and convenience for its customers, M-KOPA has established numerous service centers throughout Kenya.

Below is a comprehensive and detailed list of M-KOPA service centers, including their precise locations and contact information.

Detailed List of M-KOPA Service Centers

Nyanza Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Awasi

  • Location: Awasi Town, Next to main Kisumu stage in Awasi Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

2. M-KOPA Shop Bondo

  • Location: Easy Coach Booking Office Building along Kisumu – Usenge Highway in Bondo Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

3. M-KOPA Shop Homa Bay

  • Location: Ground Floor of Odhiambo Plaza, behind Homa Bay main stage in Homa Bay Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

4. M-KOPA Shop Kadongo

  • Location: Kadongo town along Kisii – Kisumu road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

5. M-KOPA Shop Katito

  • Location: Daima lane complex, next to KWFT along Kisumu – Homa Bay road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

6. M-KOPA Shop Kisumu

  • Location: Shop no 13 Next to Guardian bus park
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

7. M-KOPA Shop Mbita

  • Location: Mbita town next to KCB Bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

8. M-KOPA Shop Sori

  • Location: On the ground floor of KPLC Plaza Along Ndhiwa – Sori Highway adjacent to KCB Bank, Sori Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

9. M-KOPA Shop Siaya

  • Location: Siaya town, Opposite post office
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

10. M-KOPA Shop Muhoroni

  • Location: Muhoroni town, opposite Kobil Petrol Station
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Western Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Bungoma

  • Location: Bungoma Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

2. M-KOPA Shop Busia

  • Location: Busia town adjacent to Barclays Bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

3. M-KOPA Shop Kakamega

  • Location: Opposite Mama Watoto Supermarket along Canon Awaro Street
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

4. M-KOPA Shop Kamukuywa

  • Location: Kamukuywa Market Center opposite Kitale bus stage
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

5. M-KOPA Shop Kitale

  • Location: Ground floor, Kitale Mall in Kitale Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

6. M-KOPA Shop Mbale

  • Location: Mbale town, opposite Shell Petrol Station next to Lakeoil Petrol Station along Kisumu – Kakamega Rd
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

7. M-KOPA Shop Mumias

8. M-KOPA Shop Webuye

  • Location: Webuye town, along Kitale road, near Wells Fargo
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Rift Valley Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Eldoret

  • Location: Kobil Petrol Station along Kenya – Uganda Rd
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

2. M-KOPA Shop Iten

  • Location: Discovery building behind post bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

3. M-KOPA Shop Kabarnet

  • Location: Kabarnet town at Kobil petrol station
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

4. M-KOPA Shop Kapsabet

  • Location: Next to Orange House along Kapsabet Kisumu highway
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

5. M-KOPA Shop Kipkaren

  • Location: Kipkaren Hudson Associates, Kipkaren Center, along Eldoret-Webuye road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

6. M-KOPA Shop Kitengela

  • Location: On the 1st floor of Kitengela Shopping Complex in Kobil Petrol Station in Kitengela
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

7. M-KOPA Shop Loitoktok

  • Location: Main street next to Equity Bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

8. M-KOPA Shop Lodwar

  • Location: Next to Naivas Supermarket along Lodwar – Lokichogio Road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

9. M-KOPA Shop Molo

  • Location: Molo town next to Wells Fargo Offices
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

10. M-KOPA Shop Narok

  • Location: Narok Town Opposite Barclays bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

11. M-KOPA Shop Nanyuki

  • Location: Ground Floor, Ananas Mall Opposite main bus Terminus, Makongeni, Thika
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

12. M-KOPA Shop Nyahururu

  • Location: Ol Kalou road next to Nyahururu Hospital
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

13. M-KOPA Shop Nyeri

  • Location: Next to Wells Fargo Office in Nyeri Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

14. M-KOPA Shop Thika

  • Location: Ground Floor, Ananas Mall Opposite main bus Terminus, Makongeni, Thika
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Eastern Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Embu

  • Location: Rurima building, next to Wells Fargo, near Cooperative Bank, Mama Ngina Street
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

2. M-KOPA Shop Garissa

  • Location: Bayusuf Building along Biashara Street in Garissa Town inside Fargo Courier Shop
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

3. M-KOPA Shop Isiolo

  • Location: Isiolo town next to Family bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

4. M-KOPA Shop Iten

  • Location: Discovery building behind post bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

5. M-KOPA Shop Kitui

  • Location: JD Restaurant building along main highway
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

6. M-KOPA Shop Mwingi

  • Location: Mwingi town next to Equity bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

7. M-KOPA Shop Machakos

  • Location: Machakos Town opposite Kenyatta stadium
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

8. M-KOPA Shop Makutano

  • Location: Makutano town, Opposite Barclays Bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

9. M-KOPA Shop Maua

  • Location: Maua Town, Kaciongo area next to kensilver booking office
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

10. M-KOPA Shop Meru

  • Location: Meru town main stage next to Nkundi Plaza
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

11. M-KOPA Shop Wote

  • Location: Mbithinguue Umba & Sons building, next to KCB Bank
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Coastal Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Kilifi

  • Location: Opposite Orange, next to Mogas Petrol Station
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

2. M-KOPA Shop Malindi

  • Location: Malindi town, Stage Mpya, opposite JCC Church
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

3. M-KOPA Shop Mariakani

  • Location: Opposite Mariakani Police Station next to G4S along Mombasa – Nairobi road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

4. M-KOPA Shop Mombasa

  • Location: Kengeleni, opposite Cooperative Bank of Kenya
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

5. M-KOPA Shop Mpeketoni

  • Location: Mohamed’s Building, Good Shepherd Academy’s road off, Lamu road
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

6. M-KOPA Shop Ukunda

  • Location: Arusha House next to Post office
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

7. M-KOPA Shop Voi

  • Location: Opposite ACK Church in Voi Town
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Nairobi Region

1. M-KOPA Shop Nairobi CBD

  • Location: Chester house, Ground floor, Nairobi CBD, along Koinange Street
  • Contact: 0707 333 222

Diagram Representation

graph TD;
    A[Nyanza Region] --> B[Awasi] --> C[0707 333 222]
    A --> D[Bondo] --> E[0707 333 222]
    A --> F[Homa Bay] --> G[0707 333 222]
    A --> H[Kadongo] --> I[0707 333 222]
    A --> J[Katito] --> K[0707 333 222]
    A --> L[Kisumu] --> M[0707 333 222]
    A --> N[Mbita] --> O[0707 333 222]
    A --> P[Sori] --> Q[0707 333 222]
    A --> R[Siaya] --> S[0707 333 222]
    A --> T[Muhoroni] --> U[0707 333 222]
    V[Western Region] --> W[Bungoma] --> X[0707 333 222]
    V --> Y[Busia] --> Z[0707 333 222]
    V --> AA[Kakamega] --> AB[0707 333 222]
    V --> AC[Kamukuywa] --> AD[0707 333 222]
    V --> AE[Kitale] --> AF[0707 333 222]
    V --> AG[Mbale] --> AH[0707 333 222]
    V --> AI[Mumias] --> AJ[0707 333 222]
    V --> AK[Webuye] --> AL[0707 333 222]
    AM[Rift Valley Region] --> AN[Eldoret] --> AO[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AP[Iten] --> AQ[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AR[Kabarnet] --> AS[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AT[Kapsabet] --> AU[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AV[Kipkaren] --> AW[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AX[Kitengela] --> AY[0707 333 222]
    AM --> AZ[Loitoktok] --> BA[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BB[Lodwar] --> BC[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BD[Molo] --> BE[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BF[Narok] --> BG[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BH[Nanyuki] --> BI[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BJ[Nyahururu] --> BK[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BL[Nyeri] --> BM[0707 333 222]
    AM --> BN[Thika] --> BO[0707 333 222]
    BP[Eastern Region] --> BQ[Embu] --> BR[0707 333 222]
    BP --> BS[Garissa] --> BT[0707 333 222]
    BP --> BU[Isiolo] --> BV[0707 333 222]
    BP --> BW[Iten] --> BX[0707 333 222]
    BP --> BY[Kitui] --> BZ[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CA[Mwingi] --> CB[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CC[Machakos] --> CD[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CE[Makutano] --> CF[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CG[Maua] --> CH[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CI[Meru] --> CJ[0707 333 222]
    BP --> CK[Wote] --> CL[0707 333 222]
    CM[Coastal Region] --> CN[Kilifi] --> CO[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CP[Malindi] --> CQ[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CR[Mariakani] --> CS[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CT[Mombasa] --> CU[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CV[Mpeketoni] --> CW[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CX[Ukunda] --> CY[0707 333 222]
    CM --> CZ[Voi] --> DA[0707 333 222]
    DB[Nairobi Region] --> DC[Nairobi CBD] --> DD[0707 333 222]


This exhaustive list provides customers with accurate and up-to-date information on the locations and contacts of M-KOPA service centres across Kenya. With a strong presence in all major regions, M-KOPA ensures that customers have easy access to their services, promoting the adoption of solar energy solutions throughout the country.


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