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Uhuru Kenyatta Lifts Kenya’s Nationwide Curfew

Kenyans are now happy as president Uhuru Kenyatta lifted the nationwide curfew. The nationwide curfew was put into effect since March 2020 to curb the spread of the covid 19 corona virus. Many kenyans are on social media tweeting how the lift on the nationwide curfew will now make thing a little bit easier.

Up to now, Kenya has recorded just iver 252,000 since the corona pandemic began. Of these numbers, aboutt 5,233 passed on after losing the battle. The president had enforced the nationwide curfew after there was a increase in the number of new covid 19 infections, in the aim of decreasing it’s spread.

This come as more and more Kenyans are coming out to receive the covid19 vaccine. Up to now, a total of 4.5 million kenyans have been vaccinated so far.

“It is now time to shift our focus from survival to co-existing with the disease,” These are the words of President Uhuru Kenyatta during the announcement of the lift of the nationwide curfew. He has also added that the same covid 19 measures recommended by the ministry of health should be followed, because covid is still there.

Religious institutions were also allowed to hold congregations with two thirds their capacity. Remember that they were previously only allowed to host a third. The only conditions is that the covid 19 measures, such as wearing a mask and hand sanitising, should be followed to the latter.

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