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What was the hardest personal goal I set for yourself?

What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

The hardest goal I had set for myself

Back in 2019, I had set a goal to have my blog doing well by the end of 2020. This was really too ambitious because at that time I was in medical school doing my 2nd year. It was really hard balancing school and getting time to write articles for my subscribers.

During the first few months, I had steady progress. This was because at that time college was closed due to the covid pandemic. I got enough time to write at least 2 to 3 articles a week. The other problem was the Niche I had chosen to write about(Health niche). This was because I had the least experience in the field as compared to now.

Also, I had not really done my research to look at my competition in this field. I only found out later that there are big giants in the field, the likes of Plus also google had to really trust you before ranking your content.

Did I Give Up?

I have never given up. Right now I have completed my diploma level in Clinical Medicine and Surgery, and I get enough time to update my blog and interact with my blog visitors

My three-year-old blog has really grown, receiving about 700 visitors each month. I also extended my blog to cover two niches that am interested in, that is Tech and Health. Am planning to rebrand my blog soon and also get a new domain name to better suit the two niches

I have never regretted anything since I started this blogging journey because I have really learnt a lot since I started. I can proudly say that I am self-taught in this journey.

What’s your experience?

I would also love to hear about your experience.


I love all things Tech. Join me in exploring this word

Articles: 272

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